Administrative structure



Public institution Šiauliai Rehabilitation Centre

Legal entity code : 191847935
Address: Pramonės 15A, LT-78137 Šiauliai
Phone numbers:

  • Reception (+370 41) 455 688 or (+370 41) 598 439
  • Administration (8 41) 457 755

Working hours:

  • Monday to Friday 07.00- 20.00
  • Saturday to Sunday – closed


Mission: to improve health of the patients being treated at our Centre by providing safe, high-quality, science and practice -based health care services.

Vision: to be a constantly improving organization being able to put together a team of highly qualified and competent employees.

Quality policy

  1. Quality is a priority issue in all activities of our Centre.
  2. Each employee is responsible for the quality of the services he/she provides as well as ethics and confidentiality of the information in the field of his/her competence; moreover he/she follows all the documents, which clearly define the scope of his/her activities and responsibilities.
  3. Quality improvement by assessing the service performance, improving the work organization and continuous employee training.
  4. Being able to meet patient (client) health promotion needs so that they would be satisfied with their choice and would be willing to come back next time when they need such assistance or services. To ensure continuous improvement of health care quality management.
  5. Provision of moral and material incentives to employees for the quality of their work, implementation of quality policy and aims.
  6. Annual review of quality policy and aims to ensure their appropriateness and compliance with health care system requirements. 

Dear patients and their relatives,

The administration is interested in absence of manifestations of corruption (bribery, bribe-giving through mediator, kickback, abuse of power, failure to perform official duties and other corruption-related offenses when they result in request for a bribe or are related to the activities trying to disguise the act of bribery) at public institution Šiauliai Rehabilitation Centre. All these corruption-related offenses are subject to criminal liability.

The best thanks to the medical staff is your sincere good word and smile.
Please speak up and report about any corruption-related offense you possibly encounter at public institution Šiauliai Rehabilitation Centre.

Yours faithfully,


Trust line of Public institution Šiauliai Rehabilitation Centre

Trust line enables you to report by phone (+370 41) 457 755 about any potential corruption-related offences or other similar violations.
Toll free helpline of the Ministry of Health - +370 800 66 004

Trust line of Special Investigation Service (SIS)

Please report on the corruption related offence via 24-hour hotline in Vilnius (+370 5) 266 3333   or by e-mail: or fax (+370 5) 266 3307, or on STT webpage

Viešosios įstaigos Šiaulių reabilitacijos centro korupcijos prevencijos programa 2015-2017 m.
Korupcijos prevencijos VŠĮ Šiaulių reabilitacijos centre programos įgyvendinimo 2015-2017 metais priemonių planas
Korupcijos prevencijos VŠĮ Šiaulių reabilitacijos centre įgyvendinimo 2011-2014 metais priemonių plano vykdymo ataskaita
Informacija pacientams dėl korupcinio pobūdžio veikos įstaigoje
Korupcijos prevencijos VŠĮ Šiaulių reab. centre įgyvendinimo 2011-2014 metais priemonių planas
Baudžiamoji atsakomybė už korupcinio pobūdžio veiksmus